Why I Went Greek, Why I Went Alpha Gam

Why I Went Greek, Why I Went Alpha Gam

AGD Informal Girls 2017
In February of 2017 I joined the Alpha Gamma Delta chapter at Ohio University and loved it.  I had originally gone through formal recruitment in the Fall of my freshman year but was unable to finish due to having to go home.  I knew Alpha Gam was where I wanted to be so when informal recruitment came around the next semester I took my chance and got my bid!  I met amazing girls who also went through informal with me.  By joining my sorority I was able to open doors that I didn't know were there.  I live with some of my informal girls now and I am .  They have become my people.  I hadn't seen that the people around me and in my classes were people I could call my best friends, my sisters!
My roommate Maddie (she's just awesome)!
Deciding to go through recruitment is a tough process on its own, on top of how much work and time goes into recruitment.  Knowing if you want to join Greek life is difficult because it is a whole world that you may not know much about.  The key to deciding to go through recruitment and where you want to end up on bid day is really knowing what you want and where you will be happy.  Some of my friends have gone through recruitment twice just to realize they are happier not being in a sorority.  Others knew from the first day where they wanted to be and were ecstatic when running to that house on bid day.  Be genuine and honest with the girls you talk to throughout recruitment and be yourself.  Being a member of a sorority is not always all socials and date parties, there is a lot more time and work necessary to be a member so you want to make sure you join a sorority where you are happy and comfortable.  

Walking to chapter on Mondays evenings, sitting down for dinner at the house, volunteering, and many more things are times I get to spend with the other girls in my sorority.  That is why I went greek.  The women I met at AGD during recruitment, that is why I went Alpha Gam.  Some of the friends I have made have inspired me to try new things, expand my limits, and become more social.  My freshman year of college I wasn't friends with my roommate and struggled making friends else where.  I ended up sitting in my room binge watching Netflix shows by myself most nights before I joined AGD.  Now I am joining programs I didn't think I ever had a shot of getting into, having ice cream dates with my roommates, and always having something to do with girls who actually care about me and my well being.  Reread that last part, "girls who actually care about me and my well being".  At any age it is hard to find friends who truly care about you and aren't fake.  I'm lucky to have found some girls who are going to be there for me no matter how tough life gets.
My roommates junior year while
living in the house!
My roommates sophomore year while
living in the house!
I have lived in the AGD house for two years.  The experience is different for everyone who lives there but if you ask me I couldn't be more grateful.  I have had two sets of five roommates both years, all different girls except for my one friend Kaylee (she's an informal gal) .  This has given me the opportunity to get to know even more girls in my sorority and their friends.  It isn't always easy and sometimes we run out of outlets when we are all trying to get ready together for a date party but definitely worth the commotion.

Being able to walk through AGD's red door and call that house my home everyday has impacted my life in a way I can't describe.  Below are two of our bid day videos which are a blast to watch- the day is truly a holiday! If you are considering going greek, give it a try! You might just meet your 'soul sisters'.

Ohio University Alpha Gamma Delta "Soul Sisters" Bid Day 2018

Ohio University Alpha Gamma Delta "Welcome to Our Team" Bid Day 2017


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